Dice-Based Drinking Games

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Can you suggest some drinking games that involve dice?


When it comes to drinking games, dice can add an extra element of excitement and unpredictability. Rolling the dice can determine the fate of players, injecting a sense of chance into the mix. In this article, we will explore some of the most fun and popular drinking games that involve dice, perfect for a night of revelry with friends.

Ship, Captain, Crew:

First up on our list is “Ship, Captain, Crew.” This game requires three dice and tests both luck and wit. Here’s how it goes:

How to Play:

  1. Players take turns rolling the three dice.
  2. The goal is to roll a 6 (the ship), a 5 (the captain), and a 4 (the crew) in order, using additional rolls to achieve this if necessary.
  3. Once a player successfully rolls all three numbers in order, they become the captain and distribute sips to other players. For example, they can assign one sip for the ship, two sips for the captain, and three sips for the crew.
  4. Play continues clockwise, and the new captain makes their own set of rules for the sips.
  5. If a player fails to roll any of the required numbers in their turn, the dice pass to the next player.

Game Objective:

Be the first to roll a 6, 5, 4 in order and become the captain to distribute sips to other players.

Number of Players:

At least 3 players are recommended to make this game enjoyable.

Materials Needed:

  • Three dice per group of players
  • Drinks for each player

Game Variations:

Feel free to create your own house rules or variations of the game. For example, you can increase the required numbers or assign different sip values to each role.

Three Man:

Next on our list is “Three Man.” This dice game is simple yet highly entertaining, making it a go-to choice for social gatherings.

How to Play:

  1. Designate one player as the “Three Man.”
  2. Players take turns rolling the two dice.
  3. If a player rolls a sum of three (1+2) on any combination, they become the “Three Man” and must wear a hat or another distinguishing item.
  4. As the “Three Man,” they have special responsibilities, such as drinking whenever a sum of three is rolled or whenever someone rolls doubles.
  5. The dice rotate clockwise, and the new “Three Man” is determined if another sum of three is rolled or through other predetermined rules.

Game Objective:

Avoid becoming the “Three Man” and enjoy the special privileges that come with that role.

Number of Players:

At least 3 players are recommended, but the game becomes more exciting with larger groups.

Materials Needed:

  • Two dice
  • A distinguishing item (e.g., hat) for the “Three Man”
  • Drinks for each player

Game Variations:

Feel free to modify the “Three Man” responsibilities to align with your group’s preferences. You can also add more rules for other dice combinations to make the game more complex and challenging.

Left, Right, Center:

To round up our suggestions, we couldn’t miss the popular dice drinking game, “Left, Right, Center.”

How to Play:

  1. Players sit in a circle, and each player starts with three chips or coins.
  2. Players take turns rolling three dice.
  3. Each die has the letters L, R, and C (representing Left, Right, and Center) on three sides, while the other three sides are blank.
  4. Players must pass one chip to the direction indicated by the result of each roll. For example, if a player rolls an L, they pass one chip to the player on their left. If they roll an R, they pass one chip to the player on their right. If they roll a C, they put one chip into the center.
  5. If a player runs out of chips, they are not out of the game but must roll the dice and hope for an L, R, or C to receive additional chips from other players. If they roll blank sides on all three dice, they are safe for that turn.
  6. The game continues until only one player has chips remaining.
  7. The last player with chips is the winner and can distribute additional sips or assign other drinking-related tasks to the other players.

Game Objective:

Be the last player with chips and enjoy the privilege of distributing additional sips or assigning drinking-related tasks.

Number of Players:

This game can accommodate a larger group of players, making it perfect for parties or social gatherings.

Materials Needed:

  • Three dice
  • Chips or coins for each player
  • Drinks for each player

Game Variations:

You can introduce additional rules or modify the chip distribution system to make the game more challenging and dynamic. Be creative and adapt the rules to suit your group’s preferences and drinking capacity!


With these dice drinking games in your repertoire, you are now equipped to take any gathering to the next level of fun and excitement. Remember to always drink responsibly and look out for your friends. Cheers!





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